Food and Nutrition Consulting

The connection between our health, our vitality, and our food consumption patterns is strong and much of that relationship is clear in the scientific literature.  As a nation, though, we tend to focus more on medically treating chronic disease states after we suffer with them. Though we know in science so much about what a health-enhancing, disease preventing diet would look like, we tend to eat largely the way we always have; a way we are used to.

And then, for the many of us who do try to make dietary changes for various reasons  (for example, to lose weight) we are often stymied in our efforts and sporadic in our results.

Much like what is required to make health changes in general, there are 2 important categories of working on our nutrition behaviors—one is identifying actual eating goals (such as reducing consumption of refined sugars or increasing consumption of fresh vegetables.)  The other category is understanding other factors (emotional, social, psychological) that lie behind our current eating patterns and working on behavioral tactics to make the desired changes more likely to actually happen.  Behavior change is a science in and of itself, and the reason so many people diet on and off for many years is because they don’t know the long-term strategies to make lasting change, and to be happy doing it.  For most people, there is no long-term eating behavior change without looking at their current patterns as being at least partly dictated by internal perceptions, wants and thoughts.

Scott helps you navigate a path of healthy eating through individual counseling sessions or group training.

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Making food changes in your life, tip #1: Bravely set some grand and fundamental goals (e.g. reducing sugar consumption by 75%,) and then break those goals into small chunks, and begin. Little by little. I call it the 5% Rule. If you eat 5 cookies a day, start, for example, by saying this week, on Tuesday and Friday, I’ll have just 4 cookies. In a week, or a month, make another adjustment. Gradually…


There isn’t much history of populations being vegetarians, but it is clear in the scientific literature that peoples eating more plant-based diets suffer much less from all the major killer diseases in the west- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and more. Plant based doesn’t mean no meat; it means the plate looks more covered with veggies, some whole grains and a smaller proportion of meat or fish, at least most of the time. Some meals should be meatless.


In counseling people on food and nutrition, I pretty freely use the word “addiction.” Besides the proven powerful physiological effects of densely flavorful foods (particularly the tastes of sweet, salt and fat) there are also the psychological, sociological and behavioral aspects of our eating that can make our habits tough to change. In my experience, seeing some habits as addictions, or nearly so, makes it more likely we’ll change them.